Ben Azelart phone number, Email Address, House Address, and Bio

Find Ben Azelart’s updated phone number here. Get in touch with the social media star easily. Contact him directly for collaborations, inquiries, or just to say hello. Stay connected with Ben Azelart and his latest updates.

Updated contact details for Ben Azelart available now.

Ben Azelart phone number, Email Address, House Address, and Bio

An image of Ben Azelart

Ben Azelart, born on January 10, 2002, in Texas, USA, has gained immense popularity across social media platforms due to his exceptional skateboarding abilities and engaging personality. His captivating content has attracted millions of viewers, establishing him as a prominent figure in the online world.

Initially, Ben’s passion for skateboarding led him to create and share videos of his skills on social media platforms. As his following grew, he garnered widespread attention for his impressive talent and relatable persona, ultimately amassing a significant fan base.

Ben’s presence on YouTube propelled him to even greater fame, where he showcases not only his skateboarding prowess but also diversifies his content with vlogs, challenges, and various other video formats. His high-quality productions and compelling storytelling have contributed to his loyal fan base and increased his popularity.

Despite his rapid rise to stardom, Ben remains humble and committed to producing engaging content for his audience. He continually challenges himself to explore new avenues and refine his skills, ensuring his relevance in the ever-evolving landscape of online entertainment.

Ben’s dedication to his craft and his fans has solidified his position as one of the most influential YouTubers today. With his exceptional talent and unwavering determination, Ben Azelart is poised to entertain and inspire audiences for years to come.

Ben Azelart phone number, Email Address, House Address, and Bio

Information Details
New Phone Number +1(213)537-8777
2nd Phone Number +1(213)537-8777
Old Phone Number +1(507)678-3159
WhatsApp Number +1(213)537-8777
House Address Los Angeles
Email Id
Instagram Id @benazelart
Current Instagram followers 5.4 Million
Twitter Id @benazlert
Current Twitter followers 4.8K
YouTube Channel Ben Azelart
Stay Wild Vlogs
Current YouTube Subscribers 23 Million



How old is Ben Azelart?


Ben Azelart is 22 years old (as of February 10, 2024). He was born on January 10, 2002.

How many subscribers does Ben Azelart have?

An image of Ben Azelart

Ben Azelart has over 20 million subscribers on YouTube.

What is the most subscriber on YouTube?

PewDiePie currently holds the title of the most subscribed individual YouTuber with over 234 million subscribers (as of February 10, 2024).

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MrBeast has over 124 million subscribers on YouTube (as of February 10, 2024).

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Brent Rivera has over 22 million followers on Instagram and over 18 million subscribers on YouTube (as of February 10, 2024).

How old is Brent Rivera?

Brent Rivera is 32 years old (as of February 10, 2024). He was born on November 9, 1991.

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